T.S. & F. Consultant and Management LLC (TSF) is an exceptionally, focused organization of prepared veteran experts engaged in the work of getting things done and making things happen. The administrations we offer and perform for every veteran are distinct, while our attitude is motivated by our passion to assist every veteran to receive everything that is owed to them.
Life after military service can be challenging, mentally, physically, financially, and domestically. With these post-military challenges, T.S. & F. Consultant and Management, LLC, the purpose is to provide the NEEDED services of assisting all veterans in making the next BIG STEP in overcoming the loopholes and RED TAPE in obtaining the BENEFITS owed to you as a VETERAN to receive the RESOURCES to overcome the challenges.

Assisting our clients in changing the INDUSTRY
T.S. & F Consultant and Management LLC provide professional services to all leaders, business owners, Fortune 500 companies in providing the necessary guidance, information, education, and assistance in improving and growing your business goals, visions, and operations.
DEFINED & ACCURATE Professional Services
There is nothing like knowing and seeking confirmation of services through the testimonials of clients. We want to make sure that you are reassured in knowing the services of T.S. & F. Consultant and Management LLC is worthy to use.
"I want to THANK YOU for all you were able to do in guiding me towards obtaining 100% in my VA case. Taking the necessary time to explain and show me the process in which to go forward and complete the forms and information needed to understand the Codes of Federal Regulations. I learned the process of the 38 CFR - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans Relief that allowed me to move forward through the process that was needed to obtain required valuable information for my particular case. Thank you again for helping me along with other Veterans through this difficult time while being transparent sharing needed information and caring for our Veterans and obtaining the BENEFITS needed."
Raymond G. - Veteran
Word cannot express the knowledge, guidance, and time that T.S. & F Consultant and Management LLC has provided my business in making sure that we are successful within our operations and company income. I am appreciative of having the opportunity to go to a company that provides another set of eyes.
Michelle B. - Business Owner
Jerome Redd - Business Owner
Skip Goodman was very helpful and knowledgeable regarding all the forms that were required to present my case to the Veterans Administration. He guided me with the proper procedure and the terminology to help me better understand. With his help, I was able to acquire the 10% disability benefits that were awarded. Due to his service, I am continuing the use T.S.& F. Consultant and Management, to assist me with other denied cases. I could not ask for a better person to represent me, for I have been trying for 18 years to find someone to help me and Mr. Goodman of T.S. & F Consultant and Management was the only one that would listen and was able to provide the results that I needed. Thanks to him after trying and trying, I finally got rewarded, and as stated, my other cases are pending with his help. Thank you very much for all that you have done.
Charles Salazar - Veteran

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill