Integrity, Committed & Success...
T.S. and F. Consultant and Management, LLC (TSF) is an exceptionally focused organization of prepared experts engaged in the work by getting things done and making things happen. TSF. LLC does not attempt to do everything for any customer. The administrations we offer and perform for every customer are distinct, while our attitude is motivated by our passion to assist every customer success.
Established 2014 as a Limited Liability Company organized in the State of Louisiana, TSF LLC has operated as a small professional business for more than 6 years. The individual members from our Principal Associates Group have accumulated 38 years of hands-on experience within their respective professional careers. The individuals from our Principal Associates Group have worked together on many of the clients’ projects and assignments and developed a genuine culture of collaboration. Every one of us is focused on similar Principles, Standards, and Values that characterize our obligation to every client’s success..

Assisting clients with accomplishing their business targets by giving imaginative, top-tier counseling.
Analyze businesses and create solutions while helping companies meet their goals.
Our values are the foundation of our way of life, implanted in all that we do and key to what permits us to be a worldwide consulting business that leads with respectability.
At TSF, we have one straightforward explanation that embodies our more extensive reason as a worldwide business counseling firm: opening the capability of the people who advance the world. We attempt to experience our purpose through our work consistently by zeroing in on five reason standards:
We Vanish Intricacy...
by finding one-of-a-kind sources of advantage competitively and secret facts in unique, complex frameworks.
We uncover Knowledge...
by testing customary reasoning and methods of working and carrying new points of view to the hardest issues.
We Lead with uprightness
by going up against the difficult issues, remaining consistent with our qualities, and expressing our perspectives genuinely and straightforwardly.
We develop by developing others...
empowering our customers, associates, and the more extensive local area to assemble achievement and accomplish their maximum capacity.
We conquer complexity...
by discovering unique sources of competitive advantage and hidden truths in dynamic, complex systems.